01 mayo 2008

Entrevista a Hernan Diaz Alonso en Archinect

Hablando de argentinos por el mundo; el sitio Archinect entrevisto a Hernan Diaz Alonso en el 2005 a proposito de su proyecto ganador para el PS1 Moma de ese año.
Imperdibles referencias a lo bello, lo sublime, el cine, los dibujos animados y la pornografia amateur.
(tambien imperdibles los comentarios de seguidores y detractores debajo de la entrevista)

Un recorte de la entrevista y el link en el articulo completo>>>

ZC: Are we supposed to feel the design is beautiful?

HDA: I don't know. I used to think that the work we did was about a search for a new definition of beauty. I don't think it is about that any more. I think it is the whole exploration of the problem of 'affect' and I think that affect has to do certainly with an aesthetic condition.


Someone could argue that the grotesque is in some sense, a condition of beauty, but for me, the project has much more to do with this moment where the grotesque and the horrific, things that are a little bit unknown, become codified and known. Throughout time every artistic expression couldn't at first be classified in the traditional cannon of aesthetics. No, I don't think this project is beautiful in the traditional sense of beauty. I think it is much more related to the problem of the sublime. It is a different problem, and I think it is what Kipnis is trying to define in this transformation between the work of Bacon and the Koons.


Imagenes y Entrevista VIA Archinect
(lean los comments, no tienen desperdicio)

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

i'm a bit overweight. should i start eating more and learning rhino?
or diet and forget about it?

looks over taste! style over substance!

Anónimo dijo...

trabajo esclavo y doblar caños de cobre no es vanguardia....muy gracioso

hora en BA